Trust Capacity Fund 2021 (TCAF3)

Josh SmithFund, Schools

Trust Capacity Fund 2021 The UK government has just commenced the second window of funding for the Trust Capacity Fund 2021 (TCaF3) which is now open until 30th September 2021. TCaF3 is a competitive grant awarding up to £24 million to aid the development of single-academy, multi-academy and newly forming trusts, as part of the government’s wider vision for every …

DfE announces details for the 2021-2022 round of Trust Capacity Fund

Lily MitchellFund

TCaF 3 additional information and eligibility criteria After much anticipation, the DfE has today released information around the 2021-2022 edition of the Trust Capacity Fund (TCaF). The fund was first introduced in 2019 to support the growth of trusts across England, enabling MATs, SATs, and pre-conversion maintained schools, to acquire additional funding to support their strategic objectives and expand capacity …

YEF – Another chance – Diversion from the criminal justice system

Paolo GattavariFund, Justice

Another chance Diversion from the criminal justice systemNew Initiative to Reduce Crime among Young People The Youth Endowment Fund, a charity committed to improving the life chances of children and young people, has announced the  opening of a new grant round, called Another Chance – Diversion from the Criminal Justice System. The charity firmly believes that children and young people …

Windrush Grant Scheme: Powerful Projects to Promote Awareness

Lily MitchellFund, Governance, Grant

Windrush Grant Scheme: Powerful Projects to Promote Awareness The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has launched The Windrush Day Grant Scheme which aims to encourage community engagement in projects to celebrate the arrival of MV Empire Windrush in June 1948.   The Grant Scheme is part of the Government’s efforts to celebrate, commemorate and educate about the Windrush Generation and their contribution to British society through meaningful projects in England. Windrush Day is on 22nd June and recognises the …

Education, Housing and Employment: Three Key Factors for Reducing Reoffending

Paolo GattavariFund, Prison

Education, Housing and Employment: Three Key Factors for Reducing Reoffending The Government recently announced that £70 million will be invested in accommodation and wider support for prison-leavers. Over £20 million will be allocated to provide newly released offenders with temporary accommodation for a period of up to 12 weeks. The Ministry of Justice recently opened applications for the Local Leadership …

Child Trust Funds: 700,000 accounts forgotten about or lost

Will PhillipsFund, Schools

Child Trust Funds: 700,000 accounts forgotten about or lost Child Trust Funds Child Trust Funds (CTF) were introduced in September 2002 as a means for investing in children’s futures. At birth, every child living in the UK (not subject to immigration controls) was provided with a voucher worth £250 by the government to open a Trust Fund account; a further £250 was given to children from low-income families. At age 7, the government then made an additional payment of £250 into the account, …