Bidding for Funding

    PAG is extremely successful in bidding for funding through a variety of Department for Education, third sector, and other grant-giving programmes. PAG provides strategic advice and ISO9001:2015 accredited methodologies to produce comprehensive and compelling funding bids.

    Our clients trust us to capture the essence of their organisation and to fully understand the requirements and underlying aims of funding programmes. This allows our consultants to present the most appropriate arguments when bidding for funding to meet relevant criteria. 

    Trust Capacity Fund

    The Trust Capacity Fund (TCaF) is a funding opportunity from the Department for Education which, last round, awarded up to £24 million to support the growth and development of academy trusts across England.

    PAG has supported a number of clients in writing applications and growth plans, and to date has been able to secure more than £3,000,000 for a wide range of clients all over England.

    PAG can provide high-quality bid-writing and review services, including consultancy and research, to support you in your TCaF4 application.

    The latest TCaF window opened on November 1st 2023 and will run until February 1st 2024. If you'd like our support in accessing this vital funding, please get in touch here.



    OF Trust Capacity Funding

    "PAG worked with us to help us secure TCaF funding to support the delivery of the next phase of our trust´s strategy. PAG helped us refine our growth plan and application form efficiently and effectively, taking time to understand our vision and ethos. We were impressed with how PAG was able to match our narrative style to reflect the aims and ambitions of our trust while ensuring adherence to the TCaF criteria."

    Paul Stone, Chief Executive Officer
    Discovery Schools Academy Trust

    College Collaboration Fund

    Succeeding the Strategic College Improvement Fund (SCIF), the College Collaboration Fund is a 12-month national programme of competitive grant funding for all statutory further education (FE) colleges. The aim is to enable colleges to share good practice and expertise to address common quality improvement priorities. The fund has a total allocation of £5.4 million and applications are invited for grants of a value up to £500,000 with an expected minimum value of £80,000.

    CIF and ESIF

    The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) provides grants to improve the condition of school sites and buildings. Single academies and trusts with fewer than five schools or 3000 pupils are eligible to apply via an annual funding round.

    More information is available via the DfE here.

    The Emergency School Improvement Fund (ESIF) is a rolling programme aimed at trusts supporting schools in difficulty, where sponsorship or other formal arrangements would unnecessarily delay the urgent support.

    More information is available via the DfE here.

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