Employability Scheme
PAG provides a rich, robust, and high-quality employability programme to ensure that all participants receive the support they need to boost their employability skills. PAG’s offer is designed in three complementary modules, which aim to improve participants’ employability profiles, and empower young people with the appropriate skills and competencies to enter the job market with increased confidence.
The three modules are Readiness to Work, Introducing Employability Skills, and Developing Employability Skills.
Module one, Readiness to Work, acts as an introduction to our employability programme. The module also provides continuous support to participants via personalised sessions, as follows:
- On-boarding 1-1: a 30-minute meeting in which PAG’s consultants share relevant information and insights with the participant at the beginning of their job placement.
- Monthly 1-1 check in: a meeting, taking place each month throughout the duration of the job placement, providing the participant with the opportunity to discuss issues as soon as they arise, find solutions to problems that may occur, and receive advice from PAG’s consultants.
- End of placement 1-1: a meeting in which PAG’s consultants invite the participant to reflect on their experience and to discuss topics such as the skills improved or acquired, the main challenges encountered over the six-month period, and the relationship with the employer.
The first module incorporates a Personal Development Plan, which grants access to resources (short videos, slideshows and articles) focusing on thematic areas that are not at the centre of the core offer, thus enabling participants to start exploring the world of work in all of its facets.
Module two, Introducing Employability Skills, provides the basis for improved employability across many roles. It is delivered, to a significant extent, through an online learning platform, developed by PAG’s consultants in collaboration with a specialist e-learning company. The module includes units on CV and application form preparation, interview preparation, guidance on how to look for a job efficiently and effectively (not necessarily within the education sector), and an ICT refresh, aimed at freshening up participants’ knowledge of commonly used IT packages, especially Microsoft Office, and to enhance their digital literacy overall. The module also includes a unit called Jobs in Schools, which provides a practical introduction to what working in education means through a combination of articles, videos (among them an interview to the CEO of a well-known MAT), and self-assessment tests, such as interactive personality tests.
Module three, Developing Employability Skills, enables participants to develop crucial skills beyond the basic employability skills acquired through the second module. In addition to a variety of activities available on the online platform, participants attend six seminars, which are delivered in the form of either face-to-face or virtual sessions. Each seminar lasts up to two hours. Additional, non-compulsory, learning resources are sent to participants as a follow-up to the sessions.
The module is divided into two parallel paths, Module 3A and 3B, which share three mandatory units: critical thinking, professional writing, and career planning. Module 3A is complemented by units on Diversity Icebreaker, public speaking, and meetings; Module 3B by units on Working Genius, elevator pitches, and negotiation skills.
At the end of the job placement, we give each employee a survey, aiming to ensure that our employability programme has lived up to it's requirements, originally established by the DWP. Questions include:
- Were you given regular check-in meetings to discuss how your placement was proceeding?
- Were you given the possibility to practice your interview skills through a mock interview?
- Were you given training aiming to develop your critical thinking skills?
- Were you given training on how to produce and edit written texts for professional purposes?
You can find and download the full survey here.