Department for Education announces £33.5 Million to support school improvement

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DfE announced on 19th July 2019 that there will be new funding to encourage multi academy trusts to develop and to boost school improvement. The initial information indicates that high-performing academy trusts will be encouraged to grow and support more schools across England. The scheme is supported by £17 million of funding, as confirmed by Education Secretary, Damian Hinds. Most …

Wave 2 SEND Free Schools

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DfE announced the successful Expressions of Interest for Wave 2 of the SEND Free Schools Programme on 11th March. Here is a list of all the successful bids with headline details. For more information, please contact Tom Legge on 07951 858666 or Bexley Social and emotional mental health and autism spectrum disorder Bromley Autism spectrum disorder Bury Autism spectrum …

Study of early education and development (SEED) and the 30 hours childcare offer

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Recent findings from the study of early education and development (SEED) emphasise the benefits of attending formal early childhood education and care (ECEC), from 2 years to 4 years, on children’s cognitive outcomes at age 4. According to the 2018 SEED report titled ‘Impact Study on Early Education Use and Child Outcomes up to age four years,’ more time in …

British history curriculum – what is being taught?

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The British Isles have a rich history. Britain has seen an industrial revolution, the rise of democracy, and government transform from a feudal system reliant on exploitation to carrying the responsibility to govern for the good of the people it represents. For many, a crowning achievement of this country was to stop the advance of Nazi Germany across Europe, thwarting …

DfE Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy

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Anyone who’s been in the education sector for a while will nod along appreciatively with DfE’s new Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy.  The DfE seems to be finally on board with what education research and education practitioners have been saying for a long while: Competent and supported teachers and headteachers are what make education excellent for all students. From a …

Planning a Wave 13 Free School Application? Help is at hand…

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With a little over two months to the deadline for Wave 13 of the Free Schools Programme and judging by the number of calls and emails we’re received over the past two days, it’s fair to say that a number of you have come back to school with a little more to do than is perhaps ideal in relation to …

DfE release details on the latest wave of special (SEN) and alternative provision (AP) free school applications.

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The DfE has now released details on the latest wave of special (SEN) and alternative provision (AP) free school applications. It has announced that they are committed to delivering around 30 new SEN and AP schools across England. Essentially, the process will be similar to the local authority (LA) commissioned special school round which was launched last year, following a …

£2.4 million fund opens for curriculum programme pilots

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The DfE have announced today that a £2.4 million funding pot will be available for schools to pilot knowledge-rich programmes in Science, History and Geography at Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3. This funding is a part of the £7.7 million Curriculum Fund which was announced in January this year, and has been introduced to deliver the more “challenging …

TES announces there could be industrial action over teacher pay

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A number of education unions have jointly sent a letter to Damian Hinds asking him to ‘decide urgently’ on his response to the School Teachers’ Review Body report on teachers’ pay for September 2018. With the ‘end of term imminent’ they are asking for the publication of both his response and the report as soon as possible. The organisations had …