retained advisory

A Conversation with Emma Bradshaw, Executive Principal and CEO of Alternative Learning Trust

PAG Staff2024, alternative provision, Article, CEO, free schools, Interview, Profiles, Schools, SEND, Testimonials

A Conversation with Emma Bradshaw, Executive Principal and CEO of Alternative Learning Trust

PAG puts our clients and, ultimately the children and communities they serve, at the heart of everything we do.

While we don’t set foot in the classroom (though some of us did before joining the company), we know that by working with our clients to deliver the best education and learning environments possible, we can play a small part in delivering better outcomes for young people.

It’s why we jump at the chance to work with organisations such as Alternative Learning Trust (ALT), a Sutton-based multi-academy trust for Pupil Referral Units, Alternative Provision, and specialist settings that work tirelessly for the most disadvantaged children and their families.

We recently sat down with Emma Bradshaw, ALT’s executive principal and CEO, to discuss the relationship our two organisations have developed through PAG’s retained advisory, a monthly retainer service giving trusts like ALT access to PAG’s substantial expertise in everything from governance and strategy to project management.

The video below shows Emma and our senior consultant, Danielle Corey, discussing the beginning of the relationship, the projects they’ve worked on, why a retained advisory works for ALT, and what’s to come in the future.

If you’d like to chat with us about how PAG’s retained advisory could benefit your trust too, please get in touch via the contact page, or reach out via